International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, Czech Republic
October 9-12, 2022

FACE-to-FACE Conference

allowing the authors of accepted papers from the countries with pandemic travel restrictions to present their contributions in a videoconference mode

is over ...

Call for Workshops

The IEEE SMC 2022 conference organizers cordially invite everyone to submit proposals of workshop in the conference. Any topics that are related to the theme of the conference are welcome.

These contributions are intended to promote contributions from applied research and applications, including work in progress, and facilitate increased collaboration between industrial and academic members of the SMC community.

Workshop is expected to be organized as a structured discussion which follows a short introductory speech of the organizer.

The workshops will be held on Sunday, October 9, 2022 for either 2-hours or 4-hours.

Anyone interested to organize a workshop should download the following MS Word file in LETTER size

TEMPLATE for Workshop Proposal

fill it, convert it as PDF and upload the generated PDF to the PaperCept Conference Management System on


available for submission of your proposal.

For more information about Workshops, please contact Workshop Chairs:

Dr. György Eigner -
Dr. Haibin Zhu -

Submission Deadline: extended to May 8, 2022.
Acceptance Notification of Workshops will be announced by June 15, 2022 June 30, 2022.